
Helper class to access the core APIs for the MoEngage SDK.




Umang Chamaria


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Add a listener to get a callback on application background for the account configured as default.

Add a listener to get a callback on application background for the given account.

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Add a listener to get a callback on logout complete for the account configured as default

Add a listener to get a callback on logout complete for the given instance.

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Add a listener to get a callback when the SDK is initialised for the given app ID

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fun deleteUser(context: Context, listener: UserDeletionListener)

Delete Current User Data From MoEngage Server for the account configured as default.

fun deleteUser(context: Context, appId: String, listener: UserDeletionListener)

Delete Current User Data From MoEngage Server for the given instance

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Returns the account identifier in the payload if present.

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Returns the account identifier in the payload if present.

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Fetches unique ID generated by the MoEngage SDK.

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Returns the User registration state

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fun logoutUser(@NonNull context: Context)

Notify the SDK that the user has logged out of the application for the account configured as default

fun logoutUser(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull appId: String)

Notify the SDK that the user has logged out of the application for the given instance.

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Add a listener to get a callback the SDK tries to process an incoming intent.

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fun registerUser(context: Context, data: String, listener: UserRegistrationListener)
fun registerUser(context: Context, appId: String, data: String, listener: UserRegistrationListener)

Registers the User

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Remove application background listener for the account configured as default.

Remove application background listener for the given account.

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Remove logout listener for the account configured as default.

Remove logout listener for the given account.

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Remove the listener set to get a callback when the SDK is initialised for the given app ID

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Setup the MoEngage Sdk to work in Background even if user has not opened the application.

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Immediately sync tracked data with MoEngage Server for the account configured as default.

Immediately sync tracked data with MoEngage Server for the given account.

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Remove listener to get a callback the SDK tries to process an incoming intent.

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fun unregisterUser(context: Context, data: String, listener: UserRegistrationListener)
fun unregisterUser(context: Context, appId: String, data: String, listener: UserRegistrationListener)

UnRegisters the User